Contracted activities support the integration between scientific research activities and third mission objectives.
The Department has been active in the following areas:
- Research projects funded by external institutions
- the Department has been involved in research projects funded by external organizations such as government agencies (AIFA, Ministry of Health, Horizon 2020), foundations or research institutes. These projects concerned the study of specific aspects related to the gynecological area and specialist pediatrics.
- Collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry or medical companies
- the Department is very active in collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry or companies in the medical sector for the implementation of clinical studies, the evaluation of new drugs or medical devices, or the development of new therapies or procedures for the treatment of conditions related to the 3 areas of interest (gynecology, paediatrics and urology).
- Consulting and specialist services
- the Department has offered consultancy and specialist services to external institutions, such as hospitals, clinics or other healthcare organizations, providing medical support relating to the areas of interest. For example, for years there has been a close collaboration with the "Padel e Salute" event organized by Sapienza in collaboration with the "Capire per Prevenire" association, in which members of the department offer free consultations to the participants of the health promotion event.
- Consulting and support in the design of health programs
- the Department has been involved in the consultancy and planning of health programs dedicated to maternity and specialist pediatrics, in collaboration with government agencies or non-profit organizations (Ministry of Health, Italian Society of Pediatrics, Italian Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases).
- Participation in scientific committees or technical consultancy
- the members of the Department have been involved as experts in scientific committees or technical consultancy for external institutions (regional and ministerial technical tables, advisory boards of pharmaceutical companies) providing their contribution and expertise in the field of the 3 areas of interest.